
Redsuns new IP!

Hi there, redsuns new ip is xD

Nissan Silvia S15 in-game

Yo dude's XD. Heres my edited version of SHAKE'S Nissan Silvia S15, in-game. Enjoy the pics.
-No Download, sorry. The car has been edited a bit, from the other pictures of it :)

Random shot: F*** YEA!


The Burst Elegy

Yo.. Heres some pics off the Elegy. (The car is by DrunkJDM).
Chris(RideMyHorseyPeople) sent me the elegy.

Random Snap: Elegy on green shoes


Toyota Supra W.I.P

Here i bring you 1 shot of my new Supra, but its still W.I.P. Hope u like it as always XD

Feel free to comment.
- Update: added seats

Nissan Silvia S15 by SHAKE, edited by me

Enjoy.. Hope u like it xD. Feel free to leave a comment LOL